Exploring Buddha's mental yogas of Devotion, Awareness, Love and Letting Go

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I love the Fall, when the weather turns crisp.  I get to wear boots, cook soup, and light candles.  However, it also makes me feel like I want to hibernate.  When it starts getting dark earlier, I just want to watch tv, eat comfort food and sleep. 

I was struggling with this tonight.  So, to combat those negative feelings, I made the Intention that I was going to have a healthy snack, do a practice, and paint my toenails.  Lama Jigme often says that it is the intention that counts.  For instance, even when I'm feeling grumpy or angry, I can choose to be loving.  Our emotions do not define who we are, our choices do.  Off I go to have a salad and paint those nails a cheery shade of pink.

Om mani padme hum

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