Exploring Buddha's mental yogas of Devotion, Awareness, Love and Letting Go

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I love the Fall, when the weather turns crisp.  I get to wear boots, cook soup, and light candles.  However, it also makes me feel like I want to hibernate.  When it starts getting dark earlier, I just want to watch tv, eat comfort food and sleep. 

I was struggling with this tonight.  So, to combat those negative feelings, I made the Intention that I was going to have a healthy snack, do a practice, and paint my toenails.  Lama Jigme often says that it is the intention that counts.  For instance, even when I'm feeling grumpy or angry, I can choose to be loving.  Our emotions do not define who we are, our choices do.  Off I go to have a salad and paint those nails a cheery shade of pink.

Om mani padme hum

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Three days

Last week, I traveled to Boston for work.  It was a challenge (to say the least) to stick with my usual routines of practicing, exercising, and eating paleo.

When I got back, I shared this with Lama Jigme, and he told me that it's been said that it takes 28 days to make a new behavior into a habit, and 3 days to undo it.  I agreed. 

I'm grateful that I can see the changes in mood and physical health that happen when I eat what isn't good for me, neglect my Dharma practice, and don't get enough exercise.  So luckily, now that I'm home, I'm getting back on track with my regular routines.  Hope it doesn't take me 28 days!

Om mani padme hum